The rain was turning to sleet outside and someone asked Billy about
his fight career, how he became a fighter, how he liked it, etc..
After some good-natured prodding the youngster, who many of the fight
experts claim may someday be the featherweight champion of the world was
off on his spiel.
"Why did I become a fighter?"
"That's easy. I always wanted to be one. My
brother really got me started back in 1935. I was eighteen years
old then. My fighting weight was 112 pounds soaking wet and the
only thing I had to recommend me was I wanted to fight."
"I'll never forget the day the Lewis boys took me over to Art
Thomas, the present manager. He looked me over with amused look in
his eyes and told me to come back when I grew up. I was too small,
too weak to be a fighter, he claimed. But I persisted."
"Finally he said half-heartedly: "All right."