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"... Bill Speary is the greatest amateur boxer in this country-if not the entire
Nanticoke's pride of the amateur boxing ring, "Mighty Atom" Bill Speary
will forsake the flyweight division from now on and battle for the bantamweight class crown in all future bouts!
Speary, twice winner of the Chicago vs. New York Golden gloves flyweight class title, New York Golden gloves, state and national A.A.U. crowns, is maturing bodily, and making the weight limit of 112 pounds is proving a little hard for the lad. Trainer Art Thomas, who has directed the sensational little scrapper to the great heights he has attained, will now
groom the lad for the 118 pound titular battle when the April tourney of the national A.A.U. opens.

Five Inquirer Boxers Gained Quarter-Finals in U.S. Title Tests
BOSTON, Mass., April 4. - Philadelphia Inquirer AA boxers held up in good style with five hurdling the first and second trial rounds to enter the quarter-finals in the national amateur championships at Boston Garden here tonight.
Speary Wins Over Aiello in
All-Phila. Bantam
Ring Final
BOSTON, April 6. --- (AP) Fate played a trick here
tonight on Philadelphia Inquirer A. A. boxers when two of their team
members, Bill Speary, Nanticoke, Pa., and Johnny Aiello, Wilmington, Del.
both in the 118-pound class, were forced to look across gloves at each
other in a contest for the National A.A.U. bantamweight tittle. |



Vet Champ Takes New Honors
Although John Aiello, right, Pennsylvanian
thumped him soundly at times, Bill Speary, taking a right to head here,
brought 118-lb. national title home to Nanticoke, Pa., with him after
defeating Aiello in finals of that class. Bill held national
112-pound title last year.

"...For Speary, the national title really means the world's title, for there is no European boxer at the weight who compares with him..."
Boston, April 6-William Speary, Nanticoke, Pa., reached the semi-finals of the national A.A.U. championships here last night by trouncing Leo Haire, St. Louis
negro, in a three-round bout.
Billy Speary Here Monday
118-pound Amateur Champion Competes on Local Program
Billy Speary, of Nanticoke, the world's best 118 pound
amateur boxer, will compete in the A.A.U. sanctioned boxing show which
will be presented at the Allentown Fair Grounds open air arena next Monday
night. He is the National amateur champion, in the bantamweight division. |
Article |
by Ted Thomas
Since Bill Speary won the national A.A.U. 118 pound boxing title the other day at Boston, several local citizens have asked this writer on the streets, if Nanticoke is going to recognize the kid in any way! Well, it will be strictly up to some prominent individuals or civic organization to set that in motion because as far as the boy himself is concerned, he is entirely too modest and self effacing to even suggest such thing to anyone! An instance of this came Thursday night. The lad arrived from the long drive from Boston and after fighting continuously twice
a night since Monday, bringing the highest honor possible in amateur boxing... unheralded... slipping quietly into his home then, just as quietly, departing again early this morning for New York to fight again tonight!... We spoke to him over the phone about his battles, and received only the most non-committal answers!
It is developing that an out-of-town institution is taking up the banner in first honoring the local ring champion!
The Wilkes-Barre YMCA is planning to honor Bill Speary, together with Dick Powell and trainer Art Thomas during their Winter Season Grand Windup boxing show Monday night. The physical director "Doc" Anderson, who is one of the greatest advocates for injecting "clean minds and healthy bodies" into the youth of the country, has arranged to present trophies to the Nanticoke boys and trainer for, believe it are not ... The boys who have done so much in putting NANTICOKE on the map!

Nan Boxers Will
Appear at "Y" Show
The Winter Season grand wind up boxing show will be
held at the Wilkes-Barre YMCA Monday night when the south side
"Y" team meets the central "Y" leather swingers.
An added attraction will be offered when Bill Speary of this city,
National A.A.U. bantamweight amateur champion will travel 3 fast
exhibition rounds with his stable mate Dick Powell.
Powell, who earned ring fame last year when he defeated
the invading Italian featherweight champion at the New York Polo grounds
in the International Golden Glove show, has entered the lightweight class,
while Speary, who captured the national flyweight title last year, is now
a full-fledged bantam. Both lads train at the Stickney Hose Jim and
in sparring, put on a pleasing performance even though it is only an
An "Honor Session" will be observed by the
"Y" Monday night also, with the Nanticoke boxers and their
trainer, Art Thomas being the principals of trophy awards for aiding
materially in putting Nanticoke on the map by their ring efforts.
The YMCA Boxing Committee composed of Chairman Steve Emanuel, Robert
Pethic, Robert Meyers, Dr. A.E. Foster, Fred Goeringer, Jr., Stanley
Gorski and Charles McCullough will present the trophies. Powell and
Speary will return from New York, where they are featured on a boxing card
tonight, to be on hand for Monday nights affair. Nanticoke sport
fans are expected to turn out in large numbers at the YMCA to honor their
youthful ring champions. |